Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We have Biscuits!

Today was going to be a rant - and it still might if we're not careful - but first let's give a big "Hello World" to everyone..
I know it's not an epic development on my practice Android widget, but it sure seems like it! I finally got the app to grab a page from (or is it just ? ) read through it and parse out the table I want, kill the anchor tags, preserve the formatting and finally spit it out into a webview which shows the Japanese text on both Android 2.3 (my phone) as well as Android 4.0 (my tablet). I'd call that a successful first step!!
I think I attached a screenshot from the tablet. (edit: it wasn't the screenshot)
Next up... widgetifying it or changing it into a table view (instead of a webview), or beautifying it.
Btw the guy across the aisle from me on the train is jamming to some super loud elevator music... I can hear it through my 'OkGo'.
If anyone out there is actually reading this (and I have it on good authority from Google that there are, indeed, some people bored enough to peruse my ramblings) and would like me to expand on anything, drop me a comment or send me some smoke signals (are there apps to read smoke signals like there are apps for reading morse code flashes of light?) Otherwise I'll just keep randomly meandering through the joys of blogging.
On the same topic, besides writing code on the go, reading books (illustrated books) to my baby and watching movies, any suggestions on what to do with this tablet? Also, can anyone recommend a good touch pen?
Points for anyone who gets the reference in my title.
See you spacehounds.

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