Wednesday, February 6, 2013


It's been over a month since my last post! I bet you all thought I had given up! Well, you're wrong! I've just been super busy! That and with the baby, I'm not getting enough sleep, so after around 2 or 3 pm, I might as well be asleep for all the good my brain is doing! I'm also doing my old friend the 16 week marathon training schedule, that takes a lot out of you energy wise as well, but it's kinda fun now that I'm using Zombies Run! to run with. (granted I've only used it once) Today I'm going to try turning on "zombie chases". Seems like it will be super fun!

So... what does 2013 hold for my blog? I can't promise daily updates, but I'll do my best! I'm doing some coding in my free time, for a convict conditioning app (for my own use) and a Fluxx type game engine (also just for kicks) so expect a lot of updates here about things like that.

Heck, why don't we get started:
tomorrow! :)

See you space cowboys!

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