Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 years

10 years ago today I met my wife! Amazing how quickly time flies! I've now known her for 1/3rd of my life! So for dinner today I made a 1 pot meal I saw on 30-min with Rachael Ray -- something called a cassale or something like that.. basically a meat soup with a salad on the side. It was pretty good! We got some sparkling wine by "Carl Jung" that's a de-alcoholized sparkling wine .. not sparkling grape juice... whatever the difference is.
This week.. Emma is just not taking a bath ... she just suddenly cries! Dunno why, but she's just not liking the bath! I wash her with the shower head and soap her and rinse and then .. suddenly it's cry time. I don't even get her in the bath sometimes before she starts crying! I hope she gets over it soon! She used to love the bath.

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