Monday, October 15, 2012


There are so many things to post about .. I don't know where to begin.

Why don't I just do something nice and boring about something that came to me today during the course of a meeting.

TPTB at my company were discussing our mid-year interviews and asking if the managers underlings have drive. Not if they are doing their jobs well, not if they need to learn anything or need training or if there are any parts in the chain of command which are breaking down. No, they ask, are they still motivated? Are they looking to the future? Of course they are! They've only been working here for a year, they still have the fresh out of college new degree smell! What worker with half a brain who wants to keep their job would tell their boss they don't have any motivation or any desire to work more? Also, what manager puts so much emphasis on this aspect to ignore any other facets. For me, I'd ask, are they learning? Can they learn? Do they apply themselves to the tasks at hand and learn from them?  It's like Yoda "There is no try, only do" -- I wouldn't want someone to say "Boy, look at Pike, granted he can't do anything, but boy is he motivated!" Yes, having drive, and being motivated is important, but for the most part, you also need to do something with it!!

So.. after such a boring wall of text, let's look at a picture!!
Maybe tomorrow I'll show you what not to do when you want to lose weight!

1 comment:

Ting said...

I want to pinch her cheeks. :(

Sorry about work. I completely agree with you that just being motivated/having drive isn't enough. I experience that at work sometimes.

People "work hard" but do not produce quality results. To me, that's simply not good enough. You have to take ownership and have pride in your work. I think when you hold yourself accountable for the success of the project.