Monday, October 8, 2012

Cicadian Rhythms

Lately, I've been feeling like my clock hasn't been right. I've been feeling sleepy in the afternoon and getting an energy boost around 11 or 11:30 pm... which isn't so great since I try to get up around 4:30. So I've been skipping on blogging. Sorry!! I'll try to get back in a good rhythm and not be so sporadic with my posts.

Tonight taking a bath with Emma, I told her my Cinderella story and she cried when I got to the "punch line" ... I know it was purely coincidental but she had good timing.  Here goes:

Once Upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a beautiful young lady who lived with her step-mother and three older step sisters (her father passed away under suspicious causes but in this age, they had no forensic science). She must have been a red-head because her step-sisters and step-mother made her do all the household chores and forced her to sleep in a small room just big enough to have a fireplace (she was rather aptly named Cinderella) One day, the king decided to have a ball and invite all of the eligible women in the kingdom to attend so he could find a woman for his hopeless bachelor son to marry in order to continue his lineage. The step-sisters and even the step-mother (having spent all of her late husband's money)  were very excited and kept Cinderella busy all day doing their hair and make-up and squeezing them into their beautiful expensive dresses (this is where all the money went) and left for the ball in hopes of finding a rich husband. When they had all left, Cinderella sat down at the kitchen table and began to eat the leftover soup when suddenly the room was filled with sparkling lights which coalesced into a fairy. "Cinderella, I am your fairy godmother and I am here to give you a beautiful gown and carriage so you can go to the ball," she said. "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Cinderella screamed and threw a shoe at the fairy. "Leave me alone! I just want one night of peace!" she said, because she was extremely tired and didn't want to go to the ball in the first place. The prince, who just so happened to be skipping the ball (they're tiresome events with lots of brown nosing and waltzing in stuffy suits and tight gowns) heard her scream and rushed to her house to see what happened. Once their eyes met, it was love at first sight and they lived happily ever after! -- Afterword: After Cinderella moved away to the prince's castle, her step-sisters and step-mother had to take up jobs as housekeepers since they didn't find any husbands at the ball and they spent all their money on dresses to attend. 

See you space cowboys.

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