Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weight lifting!!

Today I read a an article about practice, and it's quite similar to my idea about weight training. "Deliberate practice leads to mastery" Which is what I believe about weight lifting "Challenging weight lifting leads to muscle growth" If you can cruise a 5k run, or lift x lbs easily, why are you doing it? If you're not constantly challenging yourself and increasing the challenge, you'll not see any significant gains. Unfortunately I haven't been practicing my guitar like this lately :( But I should!! I'll try to get back to it again soon! I've been super busy finishing this coding project for work. and I'm not finished yet, but I've got it up to a very useable state. I just need some final coding and to brush up the html and css.

Anyway.. just some thoughts.

See you space cowboys.

Post Script:
My current work out:
Chin-ups -> squats super set -- chin-ups with a weight plate, squats with in an increasingly heavy weight (currently 85kg)
Bench press -> lunges bench press is currently 43kg per hand and lunges are 15kg per hand.
5 sets of 5

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