Friday, August 31, 2012


I skipped a day... sorry! Lately I've been falling apart I'm so sleepy!! I fell asleep extra early last night and drank some coffee and an energy drink for breakfast and did about 13 hours of work today getting my code working! It's amazing how sometimes the code starts big and clunky, but as I add features and functions, the number of  lines of code quickly decreases. It's really nifty like that :) Also, I've done very well so far at keeping this fast. I hope it works out -- Just a few more hours and it should be usable as a beta. So tired!! maybe I can get some sleep this weekend.

Let's see.. I took time off today to go to Costco. I rode my bike there and back, it's a little less than 30minutes and mostly flat. It's not a bad ride at all.

So here's Emma and her teddy bear. She's got a long way to go before she gets old enough to enjoy it.

see you space cowboys!

1 comment:

donnacp said...

This picture is adorable. I love it.