Friday, July 20, 2012

It's Friday Friday

Let's see if I can find my "low-gray-shoes"-ness for today's post.

Rainy day today, but, at least it's cool out. In fact, I closed the window because it got so cold. It's the second day of summer, and it's so cool! I wish it could magically stay this way all summer but I doubt it. After Rieko's last cervix exam, there was some bleeding and we were worried, but everything is okay now!

We're looking forward to Emma being born! I didn't know anything about this superstition about not putting the baby crib/bed together early, but apparently it exists, so I've been putting off putting it together until maybe this weekend or next week. We're coming down into the last few weeks! It's going to happen so soon!!

 --- begin technical jibber jabber ----

Work - I've been stuck working on a project with php, mysql, jquery and csv files. Now that I have the SQL queries set, it's down to deciding on how I'll transfer the data to the client - the browser. I'm torn between being lazy, and just sending the data formatted as html from the server and just plunking that into the browser or being a little more elegant and sending the data encapsulated in a java object (JSON) and fiddle with the layout etc with jquery client side.

Tomorrow I'll work it out and see which is easier and more efficient or appropriate

--- end technical jibber jabber ---

So... I saw this nifty comic from C-A-D -- a gaming comic I like to read. Check out the link below:

Go get them Mario!

And finally some kind of picture ...

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