Saturday, July 28, 2012

OMG Babies!

*Warning* Today's post may have content that is shockingly cute and might tug at your heart strings. Also... there are going to be lots of pictures... you have been warned.

Here it is, the official Emma Grace Pike birth post!

She was born 7/28 - 2012 -- the same day as the opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic games -- at 10:02 A.M. The doctors and nurses called me at 8:00am telling me to hurry to the hospital because labor had started, 2 hours later Emma was born at 2908 grams, her head circumference is 34.5cm and she is 47cm long. Rieko was in labor for a little over 4 hours, and delivered the baby without any complications. They'll be in the hospital for the next 5 days.

And.. as promised, PICTURES:


donnacp said...

I love these. She is beautiful. I am so happy Rieko did wonderful during delivery. She is going to be a great mom and you, my son, a great dad. We love little Emma Grace, we welcome her to the world. What a blessing she will be.Train up a child the way he/she should go and when she is old she will not depart from it. We love you, mom and dad

Unknown said...

Love y'all too... I like to think you did a good job with me :p so I should be able to continue it!