Sunday, July 1, 2012

With Great power comes great responsibility

If the title of the post wasn't enough to give you a clue, I saw the Spiderman movie today! :)
It was really good!! I like that they used the webshooters instead of the other movie where they just let him genetically develop it. However, they kinda glossed over it, and the whole origin and him stealing the webfluid was kinda forced. I mean.. it's Oscorp, surely they're going to notice that containers of their super strong rope is suddenly missing and a man in red and blue spandex is shooting the stuff all over the city. I suppose they could use that as marketing... "Our product is so good, Spider-man stole it!" Anyway, the movie was really well done, and I liked how it was similar to the comics. I won't lie, I cried twice in during the movie, it was that moving!

Today I'm being a trendy blogger, Rieko and I are drinking Starbucks coffee while I write my blog! How cool am I? I got a caramel macchiato because Starbucks coffee usually tastes like it was brewed in a toilet. Maybe I'm not a master, but yesterday as I enjoyed some dark roast from Bali, I remarked that I've learned how to brew a nice cup of java. Maybe just for my own preference, but I think I make a good cup.

Oh, I finally set up some adsense, or at least I think I did, if you scroll way way down, there should be some advertising... I don't know if it works because not only do I block all ads, but I'm not able to see it as the blog owner.

I guess that's enough for now, almost done with my super expensive glass of sugary sweetness.

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