Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fluffy Tredux!!

You want pics? Today is pic-tastic!!

Today had to have been the busiest Saturday I've had in forever. I woke up, and had fluffy pancakes.. tredux? (what comes after redux?) Here's the recipe:
(by the way, if you've been cooking with Sudden Death, make sure your pan is scoured or you'll have spicy pancakes like us)
  • 1 cup yogurt and 2 teaspoons baking powder, combine and let sit for 20 min
  • 2 cups flower 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons sugar sifted together
  • 1/2 cup soda
  • 2 eggs, I separate the white from the yolk and make a meringue
  • gently combine and cook!
Here are pics of the process:

Yogurt and baking powder
Flour mix

Thick pancake
Adding blueberries
extra fluffy!!
So.. I think I've succeeded in finding a recipe that tastes great and makes extra fluffy pancakes! Please try it and let me know how it works for you!
After these epic pancakes were finished, I launched 3 projects for work by 1pm.. YaY me! -.- Following the extremely busy Saturday morning, I managed to get a lot of work done on cutting and assembling the chest of drawers -- Laundry was hanging outside so I had to go down to my parking space and back countless times to cut wood. Due to Rieko's vigilance on cutting back our electricity by unplugging all things plugged in and not being in use, my cordless drill died and the back up battery had no charge... (it was in the charger, but didn't get charged since some vigilante unplugged it) I assembled 1 and 1/3 drawers today and cut about 6... maybe? I have to go to the store and get the slides for the drawers tomorrow or next weekend.. but it's looking pretty good, check it out:
Corgi Sized Drawer

First Drawer
Finally.. We're having our baby sooner than later.. so let's have some before and after pictures of Rieko's belly: (she doesn't want her messy hair on the interwebs)

Only 1 more month!! can you believe it?? I'm nervous and excited! I want our baby to grow up with love and have every opportunity to develop her own unique personality. I can't wait to see Emma :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Friday!

Eggplant Lasagna :)

Happy Friday!

Today I went to the DIY and finished buying almost all the stuff I need to finish my chest of drawers! It seems like it's gonna be pretty good! I also showed Rieko a plan I have to make an "Emma's Room" sign out of a big block of leftover plywood. I went light on dinner to have popcorn, but our movie didn't pan out... instead we ended up watching an episode of Saving Hope.

Yesterday's ribs weren't so bad... just gained about 300 grams so It's all good!

Maybe starting next week I'll do some more intensive running or weight training :)

Anyway, here's my bicycle with DIY ikea:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ribs Baby!!

Dinner... ain't it great? ... this wasn't enough so :
Rawr! Got my meat on tonight... I'll probably be back up in weight tomorrow but it was worth it!

TOday was our check-up with the doctor, Emma is looking really healthy and getting bigger and bigger! The doctor says we should consider inducing labor before Emma gets too big. How big is too big? How do you know when the baby is ready to come out? Right now she's 2360 grams, the doctor is predicting she'll be over 3500 before August 3rd, her expected due date..

Anyway, nothing too special today, just went to costco and got the ribs :) did some more of that chin-up squats push-up thingy, it hurts! in a good way. No guitar practice, my fingers be hurting!!

See you next time!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Strumming the pain in my fingers

Yesterday's title was about finger pain, and it continues today! After I finished work this morning I went shopping again to get some more parts for the chest of drawers I'm working on. So far, parts are at about the equivalent of USD $40. I think when I finish, it'll be about $100 for a huge chest of drawers.

I started using Noom on Monday, and I'm already down about 2kg! Amazing! but really each week I go up and down 3kg, where is this weight coming and going?? I want a meteoric weight loss!! Speaking of, why is meteoric only used for rising? I always feel like they fall, and fall fast! Like my weight hopefully! I started a simple auxiliary exercise program, but man I'm sore today. Just some wide grip chin-ups, squats, push-ups and dragons. I'm out of shape, so I'm taking it easy... just trying to go for 3 times a week at first at easy - moderate levels. Once I get a good rhythm going ( and I really hope I do!) I'll try to jack it up some more!

Anyone watch Masterchef? Man I have a hankering for some molten lava cake, but Rieko made banana bread. It's tasty.. but not lava chocolate cake!! We love these cooking shows, and watch Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef and Top chef every year :)

Going back to the title, my fingers are in pain because I'm learning to shift A-E-D chords on the guitar -- now I have baby calluses on my fingers!

Today's dinner was brought to us by sudden death.. actually every meal was! It's quite tasty! Check out the dinner shot below:

Tofu with sudden death, and a chicken salad.

see you space cowboys

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Finger pain

Sunny days drifting away

Today it was bright and sunny so I spent most of the morning working on the balcony.. let me tell you, the tablet is GREAT for this... Transformer turn it on super outdoor mode and I can use it in direct sunlight! The screen is a little small but its other benefits far outweighs that.

Today I won vs the bank! My money is now safely nestled into my savings account ... will I ever get it back again? That's an adventure for another day!

Tonight's dinner was brought to you by Sudden Death!! It was pretty good I think: shrimp sauteed in olive oil with garlic, mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers, then I toasted some quinoa with it, poured in a few tablespoons of sweet thai chili sauce and added a teaspoon of sudden death. Then I poured in enough water to boil the quinoa, covered the pot and let the quinoa boil for 10 min or so -- pulled the lid off and boiled down the unabsorbed water and put it on some lettuce. I shoulda added some nuts to it! I topped it with some shredded cheddar cheese to cover for the spice, and added a little extra sudden death to my serving:

Check out the pic!
see you space cowboys

Monday, June 25, 2012

May the noom be with you.

Ok, so a few posts back, my post was "Mr. Chubby" so I'm starting to watch my diet and train again.

So I downloaded "Noom" - - and am trying it out... the calorie tracker is super easy to use, and it's supposed to have a personal training A.I. suggesting stuff for me to do. Tonight I did a little bit of running, 1min run, 30sec sprint at the park with Lily.... our chubby little corgi. She was so-so, she ran a couple sprints with me :) Just need to keep it up a few times a week with her and we'll both be in fighting shape!

I saw on Men's Health a chin-up work out which I'm just dying to start! I got up to 20 chin-ups at one point, so.. let's do it again! I've stuck to this blog for about 30 days, so I should be able to stick to this too! I'm starting to get some drive back for exercising :)

see you space cowboys.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fluffy redux!

Shucks howdy!

I made those pancakes today with yogurt and soda... They were quite fluffy, but the taste was so-so. I used a little of the mix to make some muffins. I really want a super fluffy pancake that fluffs up to be very thick and airy. Here are the pictures below.

Another busy week starts tomorrow at 4:30am.. YaY!
See you space cowboy!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I do a decent bit of cooking... not so much since Rieko is home on maternity leave, but still quite a bit... every time I step in the kitchen I feel that I have to do something special.

Today was pancakes made with meringue.. they worked out really nice, but after about 10 pancakes, the batter fell apart :( I baked two on some baking paper in the oven and while they turned out light and airy, they didn't puff up like I wanted.

Tomorrow I'll try a soda based recipe I think :)

I called Amanda with the Google phone .. this is my first time since I got the android... how smooth is it?? AMAZING!!
We'll have to try it again soon.

on a second unrelated note, my jalapenos are growing like mad! I will soon have about 20 peppers ready to go!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Typhoon Number Five

Happy Rainy Season!

We're chilling out at the movie theatre right now waiting for seating to begin for Snow White! -- Can't wait... looks like it will be really good!

Typhoon number five is somewhere near Okinawa and maybe because of it we got some serious torrential rain this morning... it was AWESOME :) 

Yesterday I posted a shot of my little pepper farm.. I have 3 orange habanero bushes (one might be dying) 2 Jalapenos, 1 thai pepper, 1 korean pepper, 1 unknown habanero and a mystery pepper I grew from a seed last year. It still hasn't bloomed and it's looking a little puny these days, I hope it pulls through and blooms for me!! I'd hate for it to die without ever fulfilling its purpose of delivering me a pepper or 20! I love me some fresh peppers and since you can't buy them anywhere in Japan (well, once I found some Jolokia at Tsurukame) fresh, I decided to grow them! Every year we get a bushel full :) 

Yesterday I tested out this app called "Pair" it's supposed to be good for digitally sharing with your significant other, but Rieko and I didn't really get it... we both have Androids and gmail accounts and our calendars are already synced and we have talk, sms and line for text based communication. I then downloaded "Path" which seems pretty neat, but still a little too facebook-ish and stalker-y I'd like it if more of my family were on path so I could try it out, but I doubt I'll keep it very long. 

There was a break in the rain so we walked to the theatre - with braxton-hicks contractions, it took forever sadly! It seems so painful, I wish I could rub her belly and make it soft again.

Time for the movie!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mr. Chubby

It's been a while since I wrote a post after work... no wait.. I did that yesterday!

Thanks for the comment Mom! Yeah.. banking is a pain in the nether regions.

I was messing around browsing TheOatmeal's stuff, and I found a "blog cussing analyzer" -- I got a score of 0%!! ... I suppose I'll have to fill a whole post with swearing now to break even... here goes:

J/K!! I'm really quite surprised that I've had some "colorful" posts.. or I feel like they've been colorful.. without any swearing!  Pretty neat huh?

Anyway, had a nice late-ish evening jog yesterday, it was fun to go out and just cruise at 5:40/km for 3km, lately I've been doing HIIT -- which stands for Hurl Intestines Into Teeth (High intensity interval training) -- 30seconds dash, 1min run, and I run through the course under the cherry blossom trees, so I do stuff like "shuffle quick-step stair climb" start at the the bottom, go up 1 step right, left, go down right-left, go up two steps right -left put the right foot on the third step, then back down, keep repeating go up two steps, down one until you get to the top... I like to choose a reeeeeeeeeeeeally long staircase for this...  I do some squat jumps, some monkey bars, chin-ups, body-weight rows and jump over stuff... that's probably the worst... I'm really tired and trying to jump clean over metal bars mid-thigh height... I haven't hit my foot and slipped yet.. but .. it's close!

After running a marathon at the end of April though, I've been having a tough time getting up the will power to push myself -.- Any suggestions? I've got about 10kg I'd like to get rid of!! Maybe I'm secretly wanting to increase my girth to support Rieko's pregnant belly.

I could write a lot more, but then I wouldn't have anything to write about on other days! So in closing, check out 2012's new addition to my pepper garden!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I love banking in Japan... not only do they have great hours and cater to us business people who are working hard to put our money in the bank, their service and security is top notch! </end sarcasm>

Here's an accounting of my fun at the bank:

I received some money from my parents in the form of a check (Thank you guys so much!!) So I thought I'd go to the bank to deposit it. First, I show up at the bank with my check and tell the receptionist what I want to do with it. I'm directed to sit in a chair and wait, although there are no other people in the bank, I mean, it's like a ghost town, just me, the receptionist, a security guard and 3 employees crowded around a monitor. After waiting for 10 minutes, I'm taken to an account management booth I sit down and am told it's about $50.00 in transaction fees to deposit the money, and my bank account didn't have any money in it, so I had to go to a 7-11 ATM, get the money there, go to my bank's ATM and put the money in, because the teller apparently can't do anything. Up til now, all the identification I've been asked for is my cash card. It has no picture of me, and I haven't been required to put my pin code in to anything...

Finally, the teller copies the check and asks me to write my name, address and reason I'm receiving the check on the copy... and then I'm told I can't make a deposit without my hanko -- a hanko is a stamp with your name written on it, it's similar to a signet ring from the days of yore... apparently, this is the epitome of security for 21st century banking because even with a passport, government identification, a signature on file, and my insurance card + my bank card and pin code, without this stupid stamp, I can't do ANYTHING, I mean absolutely nothing... but I am allowed to SEE my account, just not touch it... delightful right? The reason I switched to the stamp is the last time they asked for my signature, and I had to sign a sheet of paper nearly 30 times before my signature matched the signature they had on record... with coaching from the teller: "More loops" "you only dotted one 'I'" etc...

So in conclusion... forget your ID, but don't forget your Hanko or you won't be able to get your money, or put money in.

Bank: 2
Pike: 0

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Japan v America

Nadesico Japan had a very sad loss today to America's women's soccer. Well.. technically they haven't lost yet, but it's loss time and it's 3-1.. if they come back and win I'll change this post.

I don't know if I can apply my generalizations to women's soccer as a whole, but judging from tonight's match, it's a lot quieter than men's soccer (though that may have a lot to do with having almost no one in the stands). Also, I noticed a lot less fouls and I think there were no yellow cards in this match. In men's soccer, everyone is an amazing actor it seems; look at them wrong and they fall down like they've been hit with a two by four and the offending party called their mother dirty names. Then if there's no foul called, they pop up like nothing happened. It's pretty awesome I think, but I didn't notice any of this in the women's match, and they had some pretty hard hits.

In some news... I messed up my adsense so google sent me a message in Japanese telling me.. originally I applied to adsense for (he resigned now) but then I thought I'd use it on my site, so .. they're upset with me. I'll figure it out so my traffic of ... 1 per day ... can do something possibly? Meh, I'm just more interested in how it works.

Also, I just saw this today about having some crazy shenanigans with funnyjunk or rather funnyjunk having some issue with the creator of TheOatmeal discussing what to do when someone "steals" your content -- I know I know, it's not stealing, it's fraud or some form of piracy. Anyway, read about it here, even if you're not a fan of this brand of comedy, the story is quite amazing:

see you space cowboy

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spot of sunshine

A sunny day in rainy season!!

So, today was super busy, we got up early to go to the store for the saturday/sunday veggie sale, then I made crepes and what were supposed to be "german pancakes" or "dutch pancakes" (picture below) but actually turned into souffles. They're really tasty though!! put
a little honey on it or some jam... so good!

Happy Father's day to all the fathers of the world!

Since it's so sunny today, I got the tools out and went to work on building the shape of the chest of drawers, I reckon I got about 70% of it finished so far... just need to put in the dividers and reinforce the back with a simple long piece of wood.  Check out the picture!!

See you later cowboys and cowgirls

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rainy days are here

All day... rain!

By the time I got through with work for the morning, there wasn't enough time to go to the onsen like I planned so I had a quiet day at home.

I planned out what to do with the wood I bought for the cabinet, but it's rainy and I don't really feel like making a big mess in the house that I have to clean up.

We had homemade gyoza with 100% beef and it's amazing!! I think I have a picture of dinner... the salad was simple and tasty too. Just avocado, cottage cheese, tomatos and olives.

See you space cowboys

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ask and ye shall receive!

Well... guess what lady and gentleman... all however many of you actually read this :p I know of at least one!

Remember yesterday how I was complaining about no good TV and asking when Burn Notice would come back? It came out today!! I can't wait to watch it. First we're going through saving hope, then I have Burn Notice and Suits to watch :) let the summer season begin!

Today it was kinda sunny so we went out and bought some plywood and some tools to start building a cabinet. Maybe I'll take pictures as assembly begins! First I'm aiming to make just the frame, then with the scraps I have leftover from the sheets of plywood I'll make a template for drawers. I think 6 drawers, 4 big ones and 2 shallower ones.... should be fun! I haven't decided yet if I'll mask the face of the drawer with a piece of nicer wood, or just well sanded plywood with a stain or maybe some fun colors.

See y'all next time space cowboys.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Howdy Y'all..

I just watched the 2 hour premier of Dallas... too bad I never saw the original, cuz I have NO CLUE what is going on! It's really slow and well... boring! Like a daytime tv show or something.. days of our lives Dallas.. bleh!!

Emma is doing great. We've already picked her name and we went to the hospital today to get her checked out. She's really healthy and doing really well. She has long legs like her poppa and is getting pretty big. It's kinda weird looking at the ultrasound now because she's getting so big, it's like layer after layer of organ and tissue and then some bones.. .can't really tell what's going on!

This summer is kinda boring so far for TV, when will Burn Notice or Warehouse 13 start again? At least we have Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef to keep us with something to watch!

Y'all come back now Ya Hear?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Post number 25!

WOW! I did it! 25 posts in a row, more or less everyday!

Got my todo list fixed and working. This week is crazy busy, between Hiroya and I, I don't know how we're doing it! I hope this month turns out to be a great month so work will be "happy".

Tomorrow is another check up for the baby. She's probably huge now! Every time we go, the doctor comments on how long her legs are and says it's because of me... not that I have particularly long legs mind you.. I'm just tall... However Rieko gets irritated because she's short, not due to abnormally short legs though..

Bill is suffering through rehab for his knee surgery, so I sent his father's day gift a little early. I was really leaning towards some running shoes or maybe some track suit, but really, why rub salt in the wounds? I just got a little set of starbucks coffee since well, who doesn't like coffee? (even if it is starbucks :p)

see you space cowboy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Tuesday

JQuery ...

Bleh.. it's actually pretty useful. I've been elbow deep in php and javascript writing little snippets and cleaning up our company web site. I love doing ajax stuff and making everything sync live in the background! Today's task was to read my inbox and make a todo list from it for the team. It's all good, except the todo list isn't quite finished.. for some reason, the location I want to put it on the webpage just doesn't want to let it click!! but on the test page it's all good... maybe it's time to clean up the home page so everything works better! I wrote it so long ago, before I was very good at php or JSON so... yeah. I coulda done a lotta stuff better! but now the thing is a couple thousand lines of code, so rewriting isn't so fun!

We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Monday, June 11, 2012


It's 5:18 am here on Monday and I can't help but snicker about the "moondays" I should have used this title last week when there was a lunar eclipse!

I just received confirmation that something is on its way! Hopefully it'll get there by Wednesday.

I suppose I'll get off my lazy ass this week and finish up my application. I'm just not really getting how to set up the widget to update correctly and get its view from the code downloaded from yahoo sports. I dunno why but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it, maybe I need to read the documentation a bit more.

Oh yeah, sorry about yesterday's post... but seriously... steak is great isn't it? that should be enough of a post for a week!

See you space cowboy

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Crouching tigger

So, it's Saturday,

Nothing too exciting today, just messed around with the computer and played Karaoke on the wii with the wife :)

Still can't figure out what to do with the widget, maybe I'll tackle it tomorrow.

An exciting point: Played with the JVC camera, the wifi connection is seriously fun. Set it up and watched the wife make lunch... it was like watching a cooking show! pretty snazzy!

catch you later space cowboys

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday number 3

Happy Friday!!

As this busy week comes to a close... well maybe, I probably have to work on Saturday too, I kicked my ass with some weight training and running!


Here's the run down:
Weights: super-set -
Chin-up -> Sissy Squat -> Bench press -> Sumo Goblet Squat -> Shoulder press -> Pull-overs

Then I run like this:
2 km run/sprint 1min/30sec, 30seconds step jumps, 30 seconds standing high jump, 1 staircase quick step shuffle, Monkey Bars, Jump over large rocks in a row, then jog it home... Soon I'll add a "Climb tall metal thing that looks like a curvy ladder" and "Jump over wooden thing that looks like a hamster play-pen" and body weight row  and dips and curls before jogging home....

Sounds fun right?

Oh by the way, I'm testing out adsense, what do you think?

see you space cowboy

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another one bites the dust

So tired!

And another one bites the dust.

Laurell K. Hamilton's new book came out today, and I finished it... They're such a guilty pleasure... but they seem so short these days! Only about a 5 hour read and I'm through it! It's terrible! Also I felt that this story was a little weak, no spoilers or anything, 'cuz I'm sure you guys all read too, but after the last big thing, well, what's left to do? Also each book seems to show some growth/change in Anita Blake, but, this time? well... read and find out! :p

I got to code for work today... I love cobbling together a script in about 10 minutes and testing it on the fly! Isn't it great? It was just a simple redirect today that pulls some info from a database, drops it into another database then gets the data back and compares it to the first database... easy peasey! Peasy? both are getting the red squiggle line of DOOM.... 


Tomorrow is another busy day! Time to get my beauty rest so I can go for a run, maybe do weights and squeeze in 8 or less hours of work!

See you space cowboy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Busy Days are here at last

And another busy day bites the dust! Since I've gone back to working the morning shift, it's been CRAZY busy. Why? Just good timing I suppose. There's talk that TPTB want to shift us to a 24 hour schedule.. Crazy no? Dibs on the early morning shift. The problem is finding someone with the skills we need whose willing to work for peanuts.

I got my health check back. Basically the same as last year, everything's good, but I'm a little chubby. I need to work on that I suppose... My work out plan kinda fizzled out, I'm still running, but I just didn't have any time to focus on it since I was spending close to 18 hours a day on work stuff... the only thing I can do is do what I can until I get a chance to do something better... Also, I'll admit, I've become a bit of a chocolate monster lately... I know it's not good for me, but I like to have 1 little bar (about 200kcal) on the train on the way home from work. Ah well, better than an evening beer I suppose!!

Haven't worked on the android program in a while, too many things taking my attention, lately I've been trying to play the guitar more and man are my fingers getting sore!! They're a little red today from my practice shifting from G -> D -> Amin -> C. I also know D minor but haven't mastered it yet. Well... I really haven't mastered any of them yet, but they're pretty good.

See you space Cowboy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Insert creative title here


Looks like June is gonna be crazy busy!

Started off with a late night project launch, then an early morning launch, and it just keeps going!

Today was my first day from home in a while, and it was quite nice. I feel like I got a lot more done than I usually do. Hopefully we'll keep up at this pace, but who knows!

Still working on the dresser and playing guitar, maybe this weekend I'll start building something :) I hope the weather turns out ok.

I didn't see the lunar eclipse due to clouds but maybe I can see the Transit of Venus!

Win some lose some

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Mondays

How's it?
It be Monday, you know what that means... riding the super early train!! I believe this is the last express, or second to last express, until after the morning rush fininshes!! The guy across the aisle from me has an Ipad.. I bet he saw my transformer and had Eeepad envy!!
Anything of excite to report? I started making a new design for a custom chest of drawers. We decided that even with the price of the tools, it's still better to buy plywood and build it rather than spend the money on a pre built number that won't quite fit perfectly in our closet. I'm planning on making 8 drawers, six deep ones and two shallower drawers at the top. So far I've kinda drawn out the frame... next up drawers!!
Oh, TB, my dad, just had surgery on his knee. All 5 of you readers out there, send him your best wishes and prayers. He got his knee replaced (whatever that means, my wife had horrible thoughts that he got a whole new robotic leg from the knee down) I hear that the rehabilitation is incredibly tough and painful!
I really want to root my transformer, but as far as I can find on the net, there are only two ways to do that -- downgrade to WW (world wide) version .15 and run the root, then save it and upgrade to my version: .22 or just unlock the bootlocker with Asus's tool and install a rooted rom. The second option voids your warranty, but I've read stories of people who voided it, broke it, and still RMA'd and got it fixed. Also, if I unlock, there is an ubuntu rom for the transformer... how cool is that? Android and Ubuntu on the same device? Sounds pretty sweet to me. I'm still mulling it over.
Man, my fingertips feel like they're healing from paper cuts, guitar strings are sharp!! Speaking of papercuts.. I've been realy liking Gym Class Heroes lately... namely "The Fighter" or whatever it's called... check it out it's a great song!!
see you space cowboys.
*cue music*

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Under Construction

Today we went to the store to price out getting a dresser.

I'm planning on building one, but, we spent an hour or so looking around at the tools and the wood needed and figure out that it's pretty expensive and got a little depressed.

Then we went to the furniture shop... an almost perfect sized dresser costs about the same as the wood and tools from the shop.. go figure! Except if I have the tools, we can build another dresser or other things from wood without having to buy the tools again and save a LOT compared to buying it in the store.

I know, what a boring post!

see you space cowboys!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blast from the past

Shucks Howdy,

It's me again.. this time posting from the future. I haven't missed a post, but some how my posts are back in time sometimes... probably because I deny tracking and GPS so blogspot doesn't know where I'm posting from and puts me up on google time. That means I can post from the future!! I already know what happened today. I played the guitar, I played with the dogs, took a nap and had squash pie!
Squash pie is GOOD, it's like pumpkin, but made with butter nut squash!
Yay for Mondays, have to leave extra early to get to the office. What a pain in the butter nuts. I haven't done much more on my Android adventure than last time, I have a widget with a clock... now I need a widget with my data!

I'll let you know if I work on that today later on.

see you space cowboy

Friday, June 1, 2012

Strut like a stray

Shucks Howdy!
Today I began practicing playing the guitar for the first time.
Tuned it up nicely with the galaxy and "gstrings" a neat little app I found by searching for "GUITAR" on Play.
Props to the person who coded it, iris seriously awesome.
So, the final count is in....210 hours! Or maybe more, I might have missed a few. Blah. It's just too much and no good for me!
I wasn't paying attention and I think I passed my station. Time to check.
See you space cowboy