Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blast from the past

Shucks Howdy,

It's me again.. this time posting from the future. I haven't missed a post, but some how my posts are back in time sometimes... probably because I deny tracking and GPS so blogspot doesn't know where I'm posting from and puts me up on google time. That means I can post from the future!! I already know what happened today. I played the guitar, I played with the dogs, took a nap and had squash pie!
Squash pie is GOOD, it's like pumpkin, but made with butter nut squash!
Yay for Mondays, have to leave extra early to get to the office. What a pain in the butter nuts. I haven't done much more on my Android adventure than last time, I have a widget with a clock... now I need a widget with my data!

I'll let you know if I work on that today later on.

see you space cowboy

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