Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another one bites the dust

So tired!

And another one bites the dust.

Laurell K. Hamilton's new book came out today, and I finished it... They're such a guilty pleasure... but they seem so short these days! Only about a 5 hour read and I'm through it! It's terrible! Also I felt that this story was a little weak, no spoilers or anything, 'cuz I'm sure you guys all read too, but after the last big thing, well, what's left to do? Also each book seems to show some growth/change in Anita Blake, but, this time? well... read and find out! :p

I got to code for work today... I love cobbling together a script in about 10 minutes and testing it on the fly! Isn't it great? It was just a simple redirect today that pulls some info from a database, drops it into another database then gets the data back and compares it to the first database... easy peasey! Peasy? both are getting the red squiggle line of DOOM.... 


Tomorrow is another busy day! Time to get my beauty rest so I can go for a run, maybe do weights and squeeze in 8 or less hours of work!

See you space cowboy!

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